Building Business Resilience in Response to COVID-19
The coronavirus (COVID-19), which appeared in China at the end of December 2019, was identified by the World Health Organization as a global epidemic. This epidemic has turned into a global disaster that threatens human life and economic functioning almost worldwide, especially in the Northern Hemisphere.
In all countries under the influence of pandemic, economic life is going through a process that it has never experienced before. States are seeking ways to circumvent the process with as little damage as possible, explaining measures and packages.
In this extraordinary process, we are here to assist with our wide range of experts in everything you may need, including audit, tax, accounting, corporate finance, compliance, business risk management, restructuring and supply chain management services.
Current Articles
Open Banking and Fintech in the COVID-19 Wind
Nowadays the pandemic has many losers, but it already has one clear winner: Fintech. The large digital business technology and platforms will come out of the crisis even stronger.

Economic Stability Shield Package to reduce the impact of COVID 19
On 18 March 2020, Turkey unveiled a stimulus package, the Economic Stability Shield, involving a number of measures aimed at mitigating the potential economic fallout of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and providing businesses with the liquidity required to continue operations.

Cash Management In Stressed Conditions
Put cash management and forecasting at the centre of your resilience plan, optimising your agility and helping you react to rapid change.

Business Finance Management Response to COVID-19
As the uncertainties and risks peak in global markets by the effect of COVID-19 corona pandemic, the concerns in the 'Futures Market' and derivatives are affirmed.

Building Business Resilience in Response to COVID-19
With the rising impact of COVID-19 being seen worldwide, all industries will face significant disruption to their supply chain, workforce and cashflow

COVID-19 Outbreak: Considerations for Assurance Engagements
The purpose of this alert is to provide guidance on procedures that the engagement team may perform in addition to (or in place of) physical inventory observations to obtain evidence regarding the existence of inventory.

Accounting implications of the Coronavirus (COVID 19) outbreak
The spread of the Coronavirus is impacting businesses around world. Entities need to carefully consider the accounting implications of the situation. This IFRS Alert considers the impact of the Coronavirus on 31 December 2019 year ends.

Where To Go For Information
1- World Health Organisation’s Technical Guidance
2- T.C. Ministry of Health COVID-19 Guide
For more information